What to Own When the Dollar Collapses

If you’re concerned about the future of the dollar and the impact it might have on your savings, you’re not alone. Global economic crises are becoming more common, and even foreign currencies can lose value over time.

So what can you do to prepare for a financial crash?

There are various strategies you can consider, such as storing food and water or investing in other currencies.

In this article, we’ll provide a list of options for where you can put your money to work when the dollar takes a hit.

These investments have the potential to bring profits in the face of economic uncertainty, even if the dollar collapses.

List of Properties to Own When The Dollar Collapses

Here is a list of things to invest in when the dollar falls;

  1. Gold and Silver
  2. Foreign Stocks
  3. Gold IRAs
  4. Foreign Currencies
  5. Real Estate
  6. Foreign Bonds
  7. Food Storage
  8. Land and Agricultural commodities

Let’s get into the details, so you can have a better understanding of what to own when the dollar collapses.


Gold and Silver

Precious metals like gold and silver have been very valuable for a long time because they are aesthetically appealing and have lasting economic value. People use Gold as a form of payment in many places worldwide. Since gold is a global currency, fluctuations in its value can affect economies all over the globe.

There are many benefits to using gold and silver as currency instead of paper currency. Gold, in contrast to the US dollar, is unaffected by inflation. Having physical silver and gold on hand can be reassuring when the economy is unstable.

On the other hand, silver is used more in the industry because it has uses in many different fields, like electronics and photography. Because of this, it may be less likely to be affected by an economic crisis or changes in the market.

Because of their scarcity, gold and silver are excellent investment options. Gold and silver coins are safer investments than other fiat currencies because they can not be made out of thin air. Because of this, they are a good investment for many investors who want to keep their money safe.

Foreign Stocks

Putting money into foreign stocks might be a good idea. Since the world economy measures international stock prices in more valuable currencies, they will go up regardless of the dollar’s economic collapse.

When you buy stock in a foreign stock market, there is always a chance that you will lose money. One reason could be that you don’t know much about the company or how it works in your country. Politics and economies in foreign countries may also affect your investment, as well as a stock market crash.

There are a few profitable stocks you can acquire that are more profitable and more reliable than the United States dollar. Here are a few of them;


This Swiss-based food and beverage conglomerate is a household name around the world. It is known for making well-known brands like Gerber baby food and Nespresso coffee machines, among many others.
Therefore, Nestle remains a fast-growing company that usually retains very high corporate profits.  Its growth has been consistent, and it offers a high return on investment for stockholders.

  • Royal Dutch Shell:

This massive oil company has its base in The Hague but does business on every continent.
Even though changes in oil prices could be bad for some businesses, Shell is a diverse and well-run company. Consequently, Shell’s stock price has increased in tandem with the rising cost of crude oil.

  •  HSBC Stocks:

 HSBC is one of the biggest banks in Europe. It is based in London and has about 7200 locations in 80 countries. Many still see HSBC as an excellent long-term investment in the stock market, even though it has been having trouble lately because of worries about its growth prospects and dependence on China’s economy.

Gold IRAs

There are a lot of different ways to invest for retirement, but not all of them have the same return potential.

Many believe acquiring a physical asset like gold is a great retirement portfolio. And this is because it’s a valuable commodity that everyone knows, and its price doesn’t drop much during a global economic downturn.

Having gold on hand is a smart move in case of market volatility. Due to its accessibility and relative ease of storage, gold is a popular option. So if you want to buy gold bullion for your retirement account, do your research and choose a reliable merchant.

Foreign Currencies

Foreign CurrenciesIf you buy foreign currency to hedge your bets, you can protect your ability to buy things if the value of the dollar goes down. There is always the risk that fiat currency will fail in the long run because they are not very strong.

And this is a crucial point since the U.S. dollar is the world’s reserve currency. Simply put, if something happened that caused the dollar to fall apart worldwide, it would be terrible for the economy.

It is very vital to diversify your choices when it comes to foreign currency investment. Here are a few of our top currencies for you to include in your investment portfolio;

  1. Japanese yen
  2. Chinese yuan
  3. Euro
  4. Norwegian Krone
  5. Swiss Franc

If the dollar ever collapses, having foreign currencies will make it more likely that you will be able to stay alive. If the hurricane destroys the dollar’s value, you can rebuild your wealth more quickly if you have access to other currencies.

Real Estate

Investing your money in real estate is a safe bet that could protect you if the Federal Reserve fails to prevent a dollar collapse. In most cases, the value of real estate either holds steady or increases over time, making it a sound investment. But there is another good reason to invest in physical assets: they keep their value even when the economy is terrible.

The decline in the dollar’s value is unlikely to impact housing prices significantly. In fact, a weaker currency could make it easier to buy a property. And they could even increase in value.

Putting your money into real estate protects you from inflation. When prices go up, rents often go up too. As costs increase, this is a logical strategy for making more money. In the long run, investments in real estate that bring in money often keep up with or even beat inflation.

There is a chance that you could qualify for a tax break if you invest in income-producing real estate. Most of the time, the costs of keeping a rental property in good shape can be taken from the rental income. Also, the money from selling an investment property may qualify for better tax treatment.

Therefore, investing in real estate is an excellent way to protect yourself from a possible decline in the value of the dollar.

Foreign Bonds

If you buy foreign bonds in another currency, you can protect yourself from a drop in the value of the dollar. When you purchase bonds from a foreign government, you may get stability, variety, and a better chance of making money.

When buying bonds from a foreign country, you should consider inflation rates, bond yields, and political uncertainty. High inflation can lower your investment profit, so you need to consider it. You should also be cautious of currency risks, which happen when you lose money on an investment because the value of the US dollar) drops compared to other currencies.

Investing in short-term foreign bonds (bonds that pay out quickly) could help soften the blow of these uncertainties.  Because investing in these foreign bonds makes it less likely that you will lose money because of changes in interest rates or currency. Laddering your assets means buying a series of bonds with different due dates spreads out your money and makes you less likely to lose it all at once.

No investment is without risk, but buying foreign bonds could help you avoid the worst effects if the dollar crashes. Keep in mind that buying foreign bonds directly might be a complicated process. Here’s a tip: If you want to ensure your investment goes through, consider buying Exchange-traded or closed-end funds.

Food Storage

Food Storage

Storing food is a great way to be ready in case of a financial crisis. In case of a financial crisis, it’s a good idea to stock up on non-perishable food items to help you get through any price spikes or shortages. Having a food supply of your own is an added safeguard in times of economic hardship, even though the federal government does offer assistance programs.

One can store food in a variety of different ways. In times of price drops, it pays to stock up on nonperishable items. A home garden full of fresh produce is always an option.

It is a bonus if you have a significant enough yard; you can raise chickens and other animals for food. So no matter what you decide, you should stock up on food as part of your economic preparation plans.

Land and Agricultural Commodities

There are a few reasons why you should invest in land and agricultural commodities if you want to stay afloat when the dollar collapses. Here are a few of those reasons;

  • Land is a real asset that one cannot produce or remove.
  • Land and agricultural goods have a more reliable supply because the central bank can’t print them or make them like they can with stocks and bonds.
  • Because land and agricultural products are hard to come by, their prices will go up if more people want them.
  • There will always be a demand for food and other products that come from the agricultural sector.
  • Since their prices tend to rise along with the cost of living, agricultural goods may be a way to protect against inflation.
  • Because agricultural commodities are popular when the economy and government are in turmoil, they could be a kind of insurance against the risks that come with these times.

Is It Certain That the Dollar Will Collapse?

The dollar has enjoyed a longstanding reputation as a stable international currency. However, there have been claims lately that this may not be true. A currency collapse is when the value of a currency drops by a lot. And this drop can happen when there is inflation or economic instability.

By raising interest rates and the amount of money in circulation, the Federal Reserve can keep the value of the currency from going down and bring stability back to an economy that isn’t doing well.

The United States dollar has a reputation as a relatively risk-free investment by the general public. However, it will hurt its reputation if the Federal Reserve doesn’t step in. And this would put it at risk for the same kind of collapse that has happened to other currencies.

Still, it is very unlikely that we will experience a time when the dollar falls apart completely. The only likely condition for economic collapse is rising inflation. Therefore, since the US is such an important export market for countries like China and Japan, they would rather see the dollar stay strong. Even if the U.S. had to renegotiate or stop paying on some debts, there is no sign that the rest of the world would let the dollar fall and risk a possible spread.

Users might stop using the dollar if the US went into a deep recession or depression that didn’t affect the rest of the world.


When investing in the face of a possible fall of the dollar, there are a few essential things to keep in mind. Bet on multiple outcomes, as this is the first and most crucial step. Don’t risk everything on a single venture. Include things in your portfolio that will still go up in value even if the dollar collapses.

Getting a safe haven asset like gold, foreign stocks, and other precious metals is the best way to protect yourself from economic turmoil. If the U.S. government or stock market ever failed, these assets would become the new “safe haven.”

While preparing for a financial doomsday can seem paranoid, it is better to be safe than sorry.  So before the dollar value drops, there are many things you can afford to buy. This article provides a list of them. We explain each option in great detail so that you fully understand the risk and benefits before investing. Our list of options varies from investing in stocks and bonds to food storage.

However, if you are still skeptical about the options mentioned above, you can just invest in mutual funds instead. That way, someone else with a better understanding of stocks and bonds makes the investment for you. And all you have to do is enjoy the profit. Just make sure that however you decide to invest your money, it will be less risky and more profitable.

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