How to Siphon Gas: The Complete Guide

Siphoning gas may be your last option in emergencies if you run out of gas. Fortunately, you can siphon gas in several ways.

Knowing how to siphon gas from a gas tank is one of the many outdoor survival hacks that can get you out of dire situations. Gas tanks can store a vast amount of fuel, so it is always an option when there is no gas station around.

This article shows you three practical tips on how to siphon gas. Then, we take you through a step-by-step process allowing you to access gas quickly. For many years, these methods have been tested and proven by many people worldwide.

Method 1: How to Siphon Gas Using a Siphon Pump

The siphon pump is the first method for siphoning gas from a car’s gas tank. You may be unable to get gas from the gas station, but you can easily siphon gas if you have a pump.

To start siphoning gas using a siphon pump, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Prepare the Siphon Pump

For this entire process, you need a gas siphon pump. While you can use an improvised pump, a customized siphon pump does the job much better. Siphon pumps are very affordable, and you can get one from a local store or on amazon. It’ll only cost you somewhere between $10 to $15. The siphon pump allows you to safely siphon gas from your car’s gas tank by taking the fuel from one end to the other.

Step 2: Connect the Siphon Pump to the Gas Tank

After you have your siphon hose or pump, get a gas container, and place it on the ground beneath the car gas tank. Keeping the empty container near the fuel tank allows for a seamless gas flow. Next, open the gas cap and connect both ends of the pump from the fuel tank to the container.

When siphoning gas with a pump, pay attention to the designated parts of the pump. Customized pumps use one end for the vehicle’s gas tank and the other for the container. Following this order is crucial to the gas flowing as it should. Also, since the container is beneath the gas tank, gravity will work after the initial suction by enabling the gasoline flow.

Step 3: Start the Gas Siphoning Process

This is where the rubber hits the road, and you start pumping. There are two methods of siphoning fuel depending on the type of pump you are using.

If you use an automatic pump, follow the manufacturer’s instructions when siphoning gas. Siphon pumps always come with instructions on use. Generally, with automatic pumps, all you need to do is flick a switch to start the pumping. Also, depending on the product, you may not be required to leave the pump on for the entire process.

On the other hand, when using manual pumps, locate the plunger and hold it. Then, push in and out to get a liquid flow. Sometimes, you will have to squeeze an inflated tuber-like part of the pump to get the liquid to flow into the container.

Step 4: Stop the Gas From Flowing

When you have up to the desired amount of gasoline, you must stop the gas tank from releasing the liquid. To do this, disconnect the fuel line by lifting the end of the fuel pump in the container, and the fluid flow will stop. Alternatively, you can lift the fuel pump with the container, and the remaining gas will go back into the fuel tank.

Lifting the pump above the gas tank level allows gas remaining in the fuel line to return to the tank. However, if you use an automatic gas siphon pump, you may need to turn off the pumping switch. If the fuel lines remain active, the gas will not stop pumping.

Step 5: Disconnect the Siphon Pump From the Gas Tank

After the remaining gas goes back into the gas tank, remove the pump. This step marks the end of the gas siphoning process. Seal the gas tank tightly when you’re done to prevent fuel theft. Then clean and store the pump the next time you want to siphon gas. Not all pumps need cleaning, but for those that need, use the instructions in the manual to clean and dry. You can now use the siphoned gas to do what you want.


Method 2: How to Siphon Gas Using Air Pressure

The pressure method is the second method people use in siphoning gas from a vehicle’s gas tank. This method releases high air pressure inside the fuel line to extract gasoline. Air pressure siphoning works if you don’t have siphon kits or a pump.

For this method, you will need two lengths of clear tubing hoses- a longer tube and a shorter tube. They should have a minimum diameter of one inch to aid the steady and speedy flow of gas. You will also need a rag and an empty gas container to collect the gas.

Follow the steps below to siphon gas using the pressure method.

Step 1: Prepare the Siphon Hose

You could either use rubber or clear plastic tubing as the siphon hose. The clear tubing ensures that gasoline safely and speedily runs through the tube. Designate each free end of the hose – one tube for the gas tank and the other tube for the container. For clarity, you can make the hose a longer tube (Hose A) and a shorter tube (Hose B).

Step 2: Connect the Tubes

Before connecting the tubes, check for a fuel filter, especially if the car you want to siphon fuel from is not a modern car. Another thing you should check for is an anti-siphon valve.

When ready to begin the gas siphoning process, insert both tubes into the gas tank. Hose A should go all the way into the tank, while Hose B should only slightly enter the tank. The end of Hose A should be entirely inside the gas tank so that it will easily collect the gas. Ensure to place both tubes side by side so that they lap.

Place a gas receptacle beneath the gas tank and put the other end of Hose A into it. Preferably, you should use a gas canister to prevent fuel vapors from escaping. Also, one container is all you need to store all the gas when it starts flowing from the tank.

Step 3: Tie the Tubes

After connecting both tubes to the tank, get a slightly wet rag and tie them together. The rag should be as close to the lid of the gas tank as possible. The rag acts as a tight seal to close the lid of the gas tank. If there is any remaining part of the rag, use it to seal any vacuum between the tubes. This will stop unwanted air from entering and exiting the gas tank.

Step 4: Start Blowing Air 

After tying the tubes, blow air into the other end of the hose labeled B. When you force air into the end of the hose, it releases pressure into the fuel tank. This pressure makes the fuel gas rise, and it will begin flowing out of the tank and into the container.

You can use your mouth to blow air into the fuel tank. However, if you are wary of gasoline fumes or using your mouth makes you uneasy, you can use an air pump. When creating pressure inside the fuel tank, blow carefully to avoid inhaling gas fumes.

After the initial blowing of air, the fuel should begin running out. So, you can stop blowing when this happens.

Step 5: Stop the Flow of Gas

When you have extracted the quantity of fuel that you need, you should stop siphoning gas from the tank. To do this, remove the longer tube from the container, and cover the opening using your thumb. After that, raise it until it is above the level of the gas tank and remove your thumb. The excess fuel will go back into the tank, and you can disconnect the gasoline tube.

Method 3: How to Siphon Gas Using Mouth Suction

How to Siphon Gas

Although we don’t recommend siphoning fuel with this method, it can be your last resort in dire cases. There are high chances of gasoline poisoning from swallowing gasoline or gas fumes. For this reason, we advise you not to siphon gas using a mouth suction unless it is unavoidable. 

Here, you must create suction allowing the fuel to flow freely from the gas tank to the fuel container. You will need clear tubing as a hose and an empty container for this method.

Follow the steps below to siphon gas using your mouth.

Step 1: Connect the Hose

Some cars have anti-siphon valves that prevent people from accessing the gas in the tank. So, if there is an anti-siphon valve, find a way to go around it before trying to connect the hose.

Insert one end of the tube inside the gas tank and ensure it goes inside. Blow air into the tube to confirm that the tube is well inside the tank. The tube is in its right position if you hear a bubbling sound.

Step 2: Position the Gas Container

After that, position the empty container on the ground, just beneath the gas tank. Ensure that the container is below the tank level so the gas will flow easily. After positioning the container, you can start creating the suction using your mouth.

Step 3: Create Suction Using Your Mouth

Put the other end of the tube inside your mouth and create a suction. You create a suction by sucking as though you’re sipping a drink. Exert extra force when doing this so the gas will come out speedily. The more in-depth the suction, the faster the gas will flow. When you notice that the liquid starts to flow, you should prepare to collect it into the container.

Step 4: Collect the Fuel into the Container

When creating suction, be very careful and watch the tube closely to see when the liquid starts coming out. When the fuel starts coming out, quickly remove your mouth from the tube and insert it into the container. Alternatively, you can use your thumb to stop the liquid from reaching your mouth.

Direct the hose into the container, and the liquid will pour inside. When doing this, be extra cautious, so you don’t end up swallowing the gas. We recommend compressing the hose or using your thumb to block the open end, then pour into the container. Doing it that way will protect your system from gasoline exposure.

Step 5: Disconnect the Hose

Disconnect the hose when you have siphoned the amount of gas you need. To do this, remove the tube from the container and raise it. That way, the excess gas in the tube will go back into the gas tank. After which, you can remove the tube’s other end and shut the tank.

Before resorting to using the mouth suction method, you must understand the risks that come with it. Inhaling gasoline vapors or swallowing it can pose dangerous risks to your health. Most of these risks are life-threatening, so you should be cautious when siphoning gas with your mouth. If you accidentally expose yourself to the gas, you should call emergency service immediately. So again, only use this method under dire or emergency circumstances.

How to Siphon Gas

Final Thoughts

Knowing how to siphon gas is very important for outdoor survival. You can either siphon gas by using the pump or pressure method. Ultimately, whatever method you choose will give you the same results – access to gas. 

Most modern cars have devices in their fuel system that make it difficult to siphon fuel from the fuel tank. These devices prevent fuel theft, so you have to check for anti-siphon valves before siphoning. The good news is that you can use siphon kits to easily siphon gas from the fuel tank of a modern car.

You can know how to siphon gas like a pro by following any method discussed in this article. However, to avoid confusion, go back to each method and follow the step-by-step process.

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